Holy moly! Saw this online and knew I had to make it. Changed a few things and this recipe really worked

Imagine the scene: a cozy kitchen filled with the mouthwatering aroma of baked cheese, tender chicken, and creamy sour cream. This is exactly what you get with Cheesy Sour Cream Chicken Casserole—a dish that’s both comforting and indulgent, making it perfect for family dinners or a cozy weekend meal.

Growing up, my family had a few go-to dishes that always brought us together around the dinner table. One of those dishes was a cheesy chicken casserole, often prepared with whatever ingredients we had on hand. The blend of creamy sour cream and gooey cheese was always a hit, and it’s a flavor combination that has stuck with me over the years. This particular recipe for Cheesy Sour Cream Chicken Casserole is a nod to those nostalgic meals, elevated with Parmesan and mozzarella cheese for a rich, savory experience.

This casserole is not only simple to make but also incredibly versatile. It’s a great way to use up those boneless chicken breasts and transform them into a mouthwatering dish that’s both hearty and satisfying. Let’s dive into the details of creating this delectable casserole that promises to be a favorite at your dining table.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

3/4 cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese

4 slices of mozzarella cheese

1 cup rich sour cream

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon garlic powder

A pinch of salt

A pinch of black pepper

Cooking oil for greasing the dish

1. Preheat the Oven
Start by warming your oven to 375°F (190°C). This temperature is ideal for cooking the chicken thoroughly while allowing the cheese to melt and become golden brown. While the oven is heating, lightly oil a 9×13-inch baking dish. This will prevent the casserole from sticking and make cleanup easier.

2. Prepare the Chicken
Place the chicken breasts in the prepared baking dish. If you prefer, you can season the chicken with a pinch of salt and pepper at this stage to enhance its flavor. The chicken will cook in the casserole sauce, so a light initial seasoning is all that’s needed.

3. Make the Sour Cream Mixture
In a mixing bowl, combine the rich sour cream, half of the finely shredded Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, dried oregano, garlic powder, and cornstarch. The cornstarch is used to thicken the sauce slightly, giving it a creamy consistency. Stir until all the ingredients are well blended and the mixture is smooth. This combination will create a rich, flavorful sauce that complements the chicken perfectly.

4. Assemble the Casserole
Place a slice of mozzarella cheese on top of each chicken breast. The mozzarella adds a gooey, melty layer that enhances the overall richness of the dish. Next, spoon the sour cream mixture over the chicken breasts, spreading it evenly to cover them completely. This ensures that every bite is infused with creamy flavor.

Sprinkle the remaining Parmesan cheese over the top of the casserole. The Parmesan will melt and brown during baking, creating a deliciously cheesy crust.

5. Bake to Perfection
Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour. The casserole is ready when the chicken is thoroughly cooked (with an internal temperature of 165°F or 74°C) and the cheese on top is golden and bubbly. If you find that the cheese is browning too quickly, you can cover the dish with aluminum foil to prevent over-browning.

6. Let It Rest
Once done, remove the casserole from the oven and let it sit for a few minutes. This resting period allows the flavors to meld together and makes it easier to slice and serve. The sauce will thicken slightly as it cools, making it even more delicious.

7. Garnish and Serve
Consider adding a sprinkle of fresh parsley or chives for a burst of color and a touch of freshness. Serve the casserole hot, paired with your favorite sides like roasted vegetables, a crisp green salad, or some fluffy rice.

Variations and Substitutions
Vegetable Add-Ins: Enhance the casserole by adding vegetables like sliced bell peppers, mushrooms, or spinach. Simply layer them in with the chicken before adding the sour cream mixture.

Different Cheeses: Experiment with other types of cheese to suit your taste. Gruyère, Swiss, or cheddar cheese can all be excellent substitutes for mozzarella. You can also use a blend of cheeses for a more complex flavor.

Lightened-Up Version: For a lighter version, use low-fat sour cream and reduce the amount of cheese. You can also use chicken breasts with no skin and opt for a lower-fat cooking spray instead of oil.

Gluten-Free Option: If you need a gluten-free option, ensure the cornstarch is certified gluten-free. You can also use gluten-free breadcrumbs or skip them altogether if you’re looking to reduce carbs.

Herb Variations: Customize the flavor by adding different herbs. Fresh thyme, rosemary, or basil can add unique flavors to the casserole. Adjust the dried oregano accordingly or mix in your favorite fresh herbs.

Cheesy Sour Cream Chicken Casserole is a quintessential comfort food that combines simplicity with indulgence. The tender chicken, creamy sauce, and gooey cheese come together to create a dish that’s both hearty and satisfying. Whether you’re cooking for a family dinner or a special occasion, this casserole is sure to be a hit.

The recipe is not only easy to prepare but also highly adaptable to different tastes and dietary needs. Its rich flavors and creamy texture make it a perfect choice for those looking to enjoy a warm, comforting meal. Serve it up with your favorite sides and watch as it becomes a cherished addition to your recipe collection. Enjoy the delightful blend of flavors and the joy of sharing this comforting dish with loved ones

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