Wow, I had no idea you could do this with just 3 ingredients!

Understandably, after a long day at work, the last thing on your mind is preparing a complicated meal. However, the desire for something delicious, fulfilling, and in line with a low-carb lifestyle remains a priority. Enter the solution: Low Carb 3-Ingredient Chicken Patties. This recipe emerged from a nearly empty fridge scenario and quickly rose to staple status in my kitchen repertoire. Celebrated for their simplicity, versatility, and ease of preparation, these patties are a testament to the beauty of minimalistic cooking, making them a perfect fit for anyone juggling the demands of a hectic lifestyle while striving to maintain nutritional goals.

To round out your meal, accompany these chicken delights with a side of roasted green beans or a fresh green salad with a lemony dressing for a light yet satisfying dining experience. Or, for those times when you crave a bit more indulgence, serving these patties over creamy cauliflower mash offers a guilt-free nod to traditional comfort food.

Low Carb 3-Ingredient Chicken Patties

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Servings: About 4 servings


1 pound ground chicken

1 large egg

1/2 cup shredded cheese (such as cheddar)

Salt and pepper, to taste


Start by preheating your skillet over medium heat and lightly coat it with non-stick spray or a bit of olive oil.

In a mixing bowl, combine the ground chicken, egg, and shredded cheese. Season with salt and pepper to your liking at this stage.

Mix well and shape the mixture into patties, aiming for about 4 sizable ones, but feel free to adjust according to preference.

Carefully place the patties in the skillet, cooking them for approximately 5 to 6 minutes on each side until they achieve a golden-brown exterior and reach an internal temperature of 165°F, ensuring they are cooked safely and thoroughly.