Cracker Barrel Meatloaf Recipe

Cracker Barrel Meatloaf Recipe
This cracker barrel meatloaf recipe is a unique dish that will be a perfect compliment to any occasion. If you’re looking to bring a smile to friends and family then take 15 out of your day to make this fresh from scratch and impress your loved ones.

2 pounds of lean ground beef

1 small diced or chopped onion

1/2 cup of cleanly diced bell pepper (optional)

1 ½ bag of crushed Ritz crackers

4 oz. shreded sharp cheddar cheese

3 medium eggs

1/2 a cup of milk

1 tablespoon of salt

1/4 tablespoon of black pepper

For the topping:
1/2 cup ketchup

2 tablespoonss brown sugar

1/4 cup mustard

worcestershire sauce

Prepare and set your oven at 350 degrees F.
Mix brown sugar, mustard, and ketchup in a small bowl and keep it aside.
Now beat eggs in a large bowl and add cheese, crackers, milk, salt, onion, bell pepper, and black pepper then mix well.
Stir in the ground and mix just enough to combine the beef mixture.
Spread the beef mixture in a loaf pan, lined with parchment paper.
Bake the loaf for 30 minutes, approximately 350 degrees F.
Spread the ketchup topping over the meatloaf and bake it for another 30 to 40 minutes.
Allow it to cool, then slice.
Serve fresh.

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