My dears, if you like the recipe please leave a comment!
For the dough
3 tbsp natural yoghurt
70 g sugar
1 egg
200 g butter
Butter-free chocolate cake
170 ml milk
a little salt
1 cube of fresh yeast
1 packet of baking powder
650 g flour
For the topping
120 g butter
4 apples
1 packet of vanilla sugar
For decoration
Sugar as desired
15 g cinnamon
It’s that easy, first prepare a yeast dough for the apple rolls. To do this, take about a teaspoon of sugar and dissolve it in lukewarm milk together with the yeast.
Butter-free chocolate cake
Now mix the butter with the sugar and salt, add the egg and stir in the yoghurt.
Now mix the flour with the baking powder and knead in alternating layers of yeast and milk.
Knead the dough again with your hands until it is smooth and supple and then leave to rest in a bowl, covered, in a warm place for about 50 minutes.