4 eggs
120g of flour
150g of sugar
100ml of mandarin juice
Grated skin of two tangerines
80g melted butter
7-10g of chemical yeast
a pinch of salt


  1. We start by separating the whites from the yolks.
  2. In a large bowl we mount the whites with a pinch of salt. Once they have taken a bit of consistency, add half of the sugar, that is, 75gr. We keep beating until we get a shiny meringue. We reserve in the fridge.
  3. On the other hand we beat the yolks with the rest of the sugar. We also add to this mixture the juice and zest of the tangerine and the melted butter.
  4. We also incorporate flour and yeast into this mix. We beat until we have a homogeneous texture
  5. Now add the meringue to this mixture. We do it with enveloping movements and from the bottom up to keep the greatest amount of air in the mix.
  6. Let’s pour the dough into the mold. and bake at 180ÂșC for about 35 minutes until ready. To check the cooking of the cake, the easiest thing to do is to prick it with a toothpick or thin wooden skewer. If it comes out clean, the cake is ready, if it comes out stained with dough, it will have to be left in the oven for a few more minutes.
  7. Let it cool, remove from the mold and sprinkle with a little icing sugar. We have it ready!